New Wholesale Gifts for Father's Day 2018
Published date: 31/05/2018 12:28
Discover our new collection 'Totally Awesome Dad' which provides wholesale gifts for Father's Day.
Here at Something Different we recently developed a new collection called 'Totally Awesome Dad', and although its launch ties in with Father's Day, we wanted this range to be a solution for year-round gifts for Dad - whether it's for a birthday or simply 'just because'.
Totally Awesome Dad has a simple and contemporary look which is sure to appeal to any modern man. Gifts in the collection include a photo frame (perfect for holding special memories with Dad), as well as practical gifts such as the 'Man Cave Fund' money box which we're sure will be a bestseller based on sales of our other money box lines.
If you're interested in stocking this range, you can view pricing on our website. Many items can be purchased in singles which is useful it you'd like to trial lines before committing to larger orders. For those seeking to order in volume then it's worth noting we offer quantity based discounts too.
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